Wednesday, 22 August 2018

                          PRACTICAL SCRYING

In this Blog I'd like to share a method of  Scrying that I have developed.
I use it in my Psychic work, which is based in Cairns in Tropical Australia, along with other Traditional Divination methods.
I've found it has worked consistently and with success for a large number of clients for some years now.

I mainly use it in person, but I'm also starting to use it via Skype etc.
The effect seems virtually identical.
I'm not exactly sure why yet.
I have done this work for a long time.
But I'm still learning. Trying to find patterns and make sense of an enormous Mystery.
I learn a great deal from my clients and their experiences.

Traditionally Scrying has consisted of looking into a shiny surface, mirrors, water etc. for some time..
The Art is mentioned in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Elizabeth First had a personal Scryer.
In a practical sense though it's a dying Art.
Adepts, Magical and Spiritual Seekers of all types still search for Wisdom with this method.
But it has it's limitations when being used for Divination in a client setting.
Hence my attempts to develop and modify it.
To make Scrying Evolve.
 I use this in a purely practical sense in my work. 
People need real, practical and timely help.
As you know, life can be savage and painful.
If these methods don't  offer REAL help, in the REAL world, then seriously, what's the point of it all.

My path in all things Magical, Spiritual and Psychic started in the 80's.
I was a Christian Minister. But wasn't comfortable with the punishing aspects.
I've seen and experienced extraordinary things.
I also learned you don't have to be a spiritual or even particularly decent person to have a Gift.
Many Psychic practitioners are cruel and manipulative.

Anyway. I'm raving here. I find it hard to be succinct, as many of you know.

In 1890 as the Native American Culture stood on the edge of Anhilation, a Shaman appeared.
Wovoka. He offered a flawed and ultimately doomed Vision.
He spoke of a world where all their dead would return, along with the buffalo, their freedom, their peace. Their old life.
Tragic and sad in retrospect.
The US govt feared an uprising and sent an observer. But so did other tribes.
One, Black Elk, a Sioux Medicine man also went to have a look. 
(There are a number of books about him)
Wovoka showed Black Elk, and numerous others live, moving Technicolor visions.
In his top hat.
Many of the dancers said they'd been to the moon. When asked if there were people there
they said no  Just this.
And showed them hands full of silver dust.
And a great deal of psychic phenomena.

So. In my work I've incorporated both.
The mirror, and a personal experience that often includes Visions of some kind.
I've done this with thousands of people.
Including, Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists and even some irritated Psychiatrists from the States.
There's a consistency in experience.
Suggesting an objective Reality.
These people have never met, or even heard of what I do. Yet the same phenomena.
Over and over.
I tell them they may experience nothing.
Or a feeling of something or a full on Vision.
This method has a strong emotional component. A much deeper part of the brain than the visual one.
We sit and touch the mirror. We close our eyes.
I 'Open' the Mirror.
Initially we reach forward a few weeks, to get a 'feel' of their lives.
Then further. And further.
The experience can be intense.
It seems to have nothing to do with the clients present state of mind.
Neither is it wish fulfillment.
What they see is often random and unexpected.
Most importantly of all I have received numerous emails confirming that which they'd perceived actually occurred at a later date.
I've also used this to help Mining Companies find minerals etc. It has practical value.
A common thing is the physical phenomena associated with the experience.
Tingling in the hands. A sensation of their hands sinking into the mirror. Extreme cold.
A feeling of movement. Swirling. And more.
Over and over again. Something is happening.

There's a lot more that happens. 
But I'll leave you to discover that for yourselves.
I hope you explore this interesting method.
With courage, and an open mind.

(For booking information click on this link)

I also have a Facebook Group
<Scrying and Paranormal Experiences Today>

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